Enlit Africa Connect – PRIME Hybrid: offering the best of both worlds

Enlit Africa Connect – PRIME Hybrid: offering the best of both worlds

Enlit Africa Connect – PRIME Hybrid: offering the best of both worlds

The PRIME ALLIANCE is pleased to invite you to watch the online dialogue between PRIME’s Principal members El Sewedy (Ali Mulla – Marketing Manager) and Microchip (Alfredo Sanz – Director of Operations and Technology) on PRIME Hybrid:offering the best of both worlds.

During the webinar, the two experts examined the evolution to and from PRIME v1.4 and the improved reliability, robutness and frecuency coverage that the new version delivers, as well as the ineroperability brought to the table by PRIME+.We will also talk about PRIME Hybrid, the result of the combination of standardised PLC & RF/IoT solutions that has managed to increase robutness.

If you want to explore the evolution and outlook for PRIME technology, watch here the entire panel that includes a live Q&A session!